The Arrival of Pure Soul
The Truth is that none of this is real. Knowing so in the midst of having realised Truth and died as Self to pure Awareness, means that at best we no longer have any fuel for being miserable, no incentive to compromise and no drive to seek… and yet – Life goes on and on…
What is left, is the great invitation and celebration of/as pure Life – exactly for what it is; Existence – the Beloved. God/Consciousness seeing and celebrating itSelf endlessly.
Without hesitance in the shape of fear – for neither the Truth (Space) or Life itself – Heart is the gift, in which The Great Potential can unfold.
Without possibility of belief, God, the divine feminine, Soul fills the Space of pure Mind – dances and unfolds as the completely unbelievable, which is beyond imagination.
In every second, the Soul is singing, through every cell of the body, a silent, but repeating “Ram, ram, ram, ram, ram”, which seems to invite the permeation of pure bliss as Presence of Life through the entire existence.
Joy as the emergence of pure Soul, is the greatest gift of existence to existence.
Without ideas, only One Life remains, which a surrendering body is in total devotion to let simply be. Giving itself over – to be turned into Life’s purest expression and Vibration.
Life will twist and turn your body, mind and Soul, when you stop resisting its coming. When you can no longer hang on to your ideas, when the Ocean floods you, demands you, requires your existence – as its own. As it always was and always will be.
Do not be afraid, it is the coming of existential reality, of purity, the loss of control. Please give up the idea, that Life needs your control to be right or rich. There is nothing more rich than Life itSelf. And nothing but Life is needed – for the sustenance of Life.
Higher vibration, higher demand for freedom, embrace of Life in its purest form and complete devotion to Truth. No hesitation, beloved, let This Be. Let this happen.
Let love of reality carry away all trace of emotionality. Let love not be defiled by dreams or hopes, not even a trace of anyone loving – Life will by itself, in itself, love and care for itself, and requires for you to do nothing but allow your identification to disappear. To let go of your body and let that remain and move, which is ever changing, ever moving, ever living…
Make no demands on Life – even your greatest imagination cannot perceive or inner-stand the actual potentiality which can unfold. Only if you do not set goals, wish or want anything, but allow the actual unfolding of Life’s own development and becoming of/in/as the unlimited You, can creation happen as and by its own invitation.
Devotion and dedication is the root stem of all movement towards both realization of Life and Truth. All roads lead to liberation, and only require your dedication to what your personal preference makes you lean towards. It is a matter of passion, of burning for, of dying for…
The actual realization of Truth, is realizing the Absolute. Liberation is the result. Without surrender to Life/pure Consciousness, the realization of Truth stays limited in terms of consciousness. All must be healed – every part of existence.
A choice is made out of no-where… Allowing Life to be the case. Truth to be integrated directly into Life, living, as Being… as the liberation and setting free of the bound and limited.
Let Shakti – Life energy manifested as Heart/pure Soul – dance with- and in the celebration and extrication of herSelf.
Pure Will of Shakti rising in/as pure flame into her own Being – the grid of existence – Life must LIVE. And so It does…
Mighty, oh mighty Victory… May Joy be the case for All of This.
(An article written in 2012 by Aisha Salem,