Pema offers the possibility of meeting in online sessions – either as a single meeting or a series of sessions – on the way of moving through to the deepest intimacy with reality – actualisation in realisation, awakening and the process of descent. The offer stands for both individuals on their path and for couples working together towards True Intimacy.
These sessions are not offered to “solve your problems” (no saviour available), but to support you in resolution, true reflection and instructions of consciousness towards further movement along your Way into union with Reality and human wholeness and fulfilment.
Individual Sessions – guidance and transmission
- A single session session with Pema is 1.400 DKK (190 EUR).
- A series of min. 3 sessions is 1250 DKK/session (172 EUR/session).
For booking, please fill out the form below and you will receive response with suggested time. Please write a bit about your background and current place on your Way.
Couples Sessions – Way of True Intimacy
A significant part of Pema’s teaching revolves around the resolution between the Masculine and Feminine – inside the individual as well as between human beings. The foundation behind the couples work that Pema offers, is close to 30 years of exploration and unveiling of Love all the way to the Core of both human and spiritual maturity. With close to a decade of consortship as well as unfolding in true intimacy and partnership, her wisdom goes as deep within the alleys of the relational field as it does within the human evolution and awakening.
The couples-work with Pema is an invitation to True Intimacy. An actualisation of the two primary Essences within a monogamous awakened relationship.
- A single couples-session session with Pema is 1.600 DKK (215 EUR).
- A series of min. 3 sessions is 1400 DKK/session (190 EUR/session).
For booking, please fill out the form below and you will receive response with suggested time. Please write a bit about your background and current standing of the relationship.
After confirmation, the exchange needs be made via Paypal, prior to the session. Meetings take place via Skype or Zoom and can be recorded for own use, by choice.
Request for session
A Testimony
“Pema embodies the divine union of masculine and feminine within and has the keys to support couples on the journey of consort-ship of birthing of soul and full potential through the intimate relating. I engaged with Pema over 3 months through couples sessions. She meets being to being and invites the woman to rest in her Essence as the power of creation and invites the man to rest into his Essence of pure and silent presence.. which creates a deeper meeting of union within the heart in both people. She sees, feels, hears, tastes, senses and touches the patterns in the relating (the war between the masculine and feminine) and speaks penetrating truth, with deep Love to the core wounding underneath the patterns, which is palpable.
After each session with Pema, I have gone through immense amounts of fire burning through conditioning and patterns, heart breaking open, head burning, feeling the deepest most uncomfortable feelings, shattering, death, nothingness too. Layers and layers which ended in “no thing”. Juliet Haines, Mexico.