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Care, Beauty & Grace

To become truly deep and all-embracing, we must dissolve the separation between Darkness and Light. Evolve and unfold the roots of our Being, as the living breathing Power of Creation in Unity with the Silence and Universal Love. Excluding No part of this Existence nor its potential.

The Tree must grow roots as deeply and widely as its crown reaches into the sky.

The cultivation of Care, Beauty & Grace holds all the Magic and Wonder of Creation and of what it means to be a deeply natural, humble, innocent and true human Being. A True Human. It involves and unfolds all of our potential as both Humans, Souls and consciously realized Beings. When our Human is Held and Whole, our Being kindly bent and the natural Beauty born, the All-Inclusive breath of Grace moves through our bones and marrow.

I will like to take a closer Look, with you, into these three manifestations of Care, Beauty and Grace.

The Healing Power of Care

In contrast to the amazing power of the Masculine’s Pure Consciousness, you are in our meeting facing the integrated union between Masculine and Feminine. Something which brings about the deep and very palpable presence of Care. Your Masculine’s arrival as a Holding Presence.

While Love in itself is pure consciousness and Light, Care is the integrated and kindly bent form of Love. Holding a human kindness and warmth. Able to be present in all of humanity’s pain and brokenness. To our human souls and bodies, this is of course pure exhale and the possibility to return Home in sensitivity and feeling. For the purpose of healing and growing strong in Being on ground.

When we are Met by Love in deeper places, we learn how to forgive ourselves. We experience How to Love All that we are. Beyond the harshness of the conditionality of Love, which we often are only capable of giving ourselves and each other.

This is a deeply Healing Journey; To learn how to give up the self-judgements and Step out of the shade of shame and into our self-love enough to emerge as Holding in Love and Compassion, rather than collapse in or abandon ourselves.

Beauty – Sourceful Individuality

One of the primary languages of the Divine Feminine, is the Language of Beauty in Creation.

It is not a beauty cast by the preference of somebodiness. But a Beauty Universal and true to its Core. A celebration of the deeply natural and its pulse and heartbeat in unity – permeated by the Power of Creation. This Beauty is a celebration of our unity as well as our individuality. As the color of the rainbow, which Father Mother God intended for each and every one of us. The Beauty of our human Soul, born as children of Grace itself.

This Beauty cannot be created from a separate sense of self. It can only come about as the inner ReBirth into pleasure of unity with our Creator. As a core agreement of deep relaxation with our Feminine Source. A state of surrender, unifying and including the deep Earth-wisdom of our body, of nature and of our consciousness. The Power of Creation.

It is an actualization and coming Alive in the black light of the Power of Creation. Integrating itself through our bones and marrow. Transforming and resetting us. Returning us to the Deeply Natural yet kindly curated simplicity and Love. Relieved of- and returned from all of our pre-conditioned imprints. Returned to our innocence.

And in This particular work, the canvas for this Creation and birth of Beauty is YOU

Your consciousness. Your Soul and Being. Your depth of Silence in Love and Life. All-Inclusive, living and breathing. As the Softness of your Love in the day to day. Your moment to moment.

Grace – the Feminine Force of Benevolence

That union of our nature as Pure Love, and our appearance as Nature, as Body, is waiting for our growth and maturation by merging. That merging, which lets the benevolent force of Grace move in. As Kindness, Softness and as the Power of Creation transformed and animated into the living of an All-Inclusive life, brimming with Inspiration, Beauty and Care.

However Deep our vein of violence goes, as humanity, there is Nothing within it, which cannot be surrendered to the Softness of Being, that Grace Is. When we cultivate this Presence in ourselves, we move our existence towards its fulfillment. It’s Wholeness as humans, as well as the becoming of our potential as Beings and souls.

Grace Truly is the Universal Mother. The Power of Creation curated by the Humility and Holding of Consciousness. Transformed into the Nurturing and Kind Presence of Benevolence. Emanating the deep nurture of the Universal Womb of creation and recreation.

Pema Salem 2024


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