Online Seminar: Evolving in Partnership – w. Pema & Matthias
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Evolving in intimate monogamous partnership is a rare art in this day and age. We tend to get stuck, when the patterns and pains reveal, as part of going deeper, healing and growing together in the container of intimate partnership.
Meanwhile, our growth in relationship can as well reveal our deepest gifts of intimacy, wholeness and unity with ourselves, each other and in Essence.
Join Pema Salem and her husband Matthias Diener, for a 4-evening seminar of sharing keys in conversation and care about that sphere, in which Peace and Care matters most for our well-being and sanity; the intimate partnership.
In exploration and sharing, you are invited to go All In with a husband and wife, two life-partners and best friends – a man and a woman, who are succeeding in surrendering together through radical Growth and Evolution in the Harmony Frequency.
Read more below… And order your ticket now!
The seminar takes place in April and May 2025, consisting of 4 full evenings online in the company of Pema Salem and her husband Matthias Diener. In each of these 2,5 hour meetings, we explore with Care and Intimate sharing, the grounds of evolving in partnership. Touching the pitfalls and possibilities of partnership with accuracy, humour and intimacy in conscious connection with all participants.
Each meeting gives opportunity to explore the alleyways of a topic, from where we expand into any untouched territory needed for your learning on Being in Partnership.
The 4 days are moving out from the following topics:
Session 1: Intimacy & Closeness – on Nakedness, relational care, stages of development, mutual support, communication, wounding and trust, shameless co-existence and more.
Session 2: Growing in Partnership – on Self-responsibility, cultivating self-holding, beyond Toxicity and Co-dependence, reactivity versus response, moving beyond “discussion” and more.
Session 3: Evolving Sexuality – on Purification of Silence & Passion, Healing in Intimacy, Pleasure & Pain, Primary Essences, the map of Her Pleasure and His Love, Masculine & Feminine in Dance, Madonna & the Whore, Ecstasy and power.
Session 4: Moving together in the Cycle of Life & Death – on the seasons of Love, necessity of self-love, from thinking to feeling, embracing pleasure & pain, healing & health, surrender beyond the separate self, beyond control, valley & mountain, the Harmony frequency & True Potential and more.
… And expands whereever it needs to go to dress you for Being in Partnership.
Dates, Times & Details
The dates and times of the sessions of the seminar are:
- Thursday 17th April – 7pm – 9.30 pm CEST
- Thursday 24th April – 7pm – 9.30 pm CEST
- Thursday 15th May – 7pm – 9.30 pm CEST
- Thursday 22nd May – 7pm – 9.30 pm CEST
The exchange is:
Individual ticket: 150 EUR
Couples ticket: 225 EUR
On ordering your individual or couples ticket, you will get access to a dedicated page, holding access to the online meetings as well as (during the seminar and for 1 month after) the recordings for each of the meetings, for your further exploration. The recordings will only show Pema and Matthias and may be used for publication.
The seminar is suitable for individuals and couples, interested in learning and growing on the grounds and foundation of intimate monogamous partnership, with a deep bowing to the True Potential of our union.
All that’s left to do is note the dates and times in your calendar. And show up 10-15 minutes before each of the meetings.
NOTE: When purchasing products from the Shop on, you are registering as a member, which gives easy access to visit and revisit any purchased products – for online streaming in “My Account”.