First and foremost, it is important to recognise, that the journey with the body is each wo/man's journey. It is before anything a matter of Listening to it, and following the Hints that it gives you, towards its own healing and health. The body always knows Best, when it comes to its own Needs. And for this reason, please consider the recommendations, in this collection, suggestions which you can try and offer your body, applying your Listening to, and finding the evidence of your own journey to Health from your body's responses and the felt benefit of each thing. With that said, there are however a row of ways, in which we can Help ourselves along the way. The following chapter goes into the corners, which you can consider to explore and find within, what your body holds the deeper Yes to. Vitamins, Foods & Drinks Content is Brewing and Coming soon... Candles, Bonfire & Fireplace Content is on the way... Water, Hygiene & Body-care More content is coming soon... Movement & Grounding More content coming soon...