Authority of the Feminine In this exploration of coming into the fullness of the Feminine, we are faced with actualising the effects of carrying the Essence, which we Are. And this comes with a number of consequences as well as discoveries. One of the discoveries, which I find particularly awe-inspiring, is the voice and weight of the authority of the Feminine. It’s immediate existential impact. I am not speaking for or towards the uplifting of some feminine principle or extending an attempt at righteous gender-based equality. No, I am speaking straight from the discovery of the thundering and life-altering effects of the Resounding Voice... Realisation of Pure Self The realization of God is the realization of pure Self. It is the vehicle to Life playing itself out as pure Joy, but is not equal to actual liberation.In realizing God as the Divine Masculine, a transformation of the ego – from an individual/separated self to an all-inclusive Self happens. The realization of God as-this is not the highest realization, as God exists within a different element: basic Space. The realization of God can be said to be the realization of self. But not the realization of Truth (as in no-self), or reality, which in turn is the result of... The True Relationship The puzzle of man and woman is the main issue in which people so long to find the balance of harmony and peace – and not without reason. The resolve of ones relationship to the masculine and feminine carries within it the seed to the realization of Life and Truth. The loving and peaceful relationship is possible, when both man and woman find it in themselves to let go, trust and embrace that, which IS… As we grow up spiritually, we find ourselves changing a lot. Not only our view of the world and everything in it, but our values,... Meeting the Void In our embrace of Truth, it is important to know, that it is equally important to surrender to the Light of Life and of Being, as it is to surrender to the blackness of the Void. The keyword for spiritual growth is surrender, and just as we fear getting burned by the flame of True Being, so do we fear to embrace the darkness of non-Existence. Without relaxing into both Life and the Void, true integration cannot happen. Spirituality is being introduced to- and in many people these days, and the growing number makes it easier for the Ones on...